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1. Name of Tractate 2. Cats and Avodah Zarah

Shalom Spira asked:

Shalom Aleikhem to the Rabbanan of Kollel Iyun HaDaf, Yivarekh Hash-m Cheilam, Vi'yizakeinu Bimi'or Toratam,

I would like to ask the Rabbanan why the Oral Torah terms the name of this tractate "Avodah Zarah". Seemingly, the same way the gemara at the beginning of Pesachim explains that the mishnah said "Or li'arba'ah assar..." instead of the more logical "Choshekh li'araba'ah assar..." in order to use a nice expression ("lishnah ma'al'ya nakat"), so too the term "avodah zarah" should seemingly have been avoided as the name of this tractate. Instead, the tractate could have perhaps been called Mesekhet Nokhrim, or maybe Mesekhet Haga'alat Kelim.

Thank you very much.

Shalom Spira, Montreal, Canada

The Kollel replies:

One can only use a different term if it will accurately describe what is being discussed. I don't think either of your suggestions fit that description, especially as very little of the Mesechet discusses Ha'agalas Keilim.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose

The Kollel adds:

Avodah Zarah is not an unpleasant expression, like "Tum'ah". It means literally a "strange" service (see Yerushalmi Berachos 9:2 "hire yourself to an Avodah that is Zarah to you rather than begging for charity"). Our Rabbis coined this term in order to scoff the service of idols, and not just to describe it.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld