More Discussions for this daf
1. A case of "Bitlo v'Lo Bitlo" 2. Rebbi Yochanan's statement 3. Neder b'Rabim
4. Caterpilars and Cocoons 5. Bitlo v'Lo Bitlo

Mendy Hirth asked:

If I eat caterpillar its maybe 5 Lavin and a butterfly eaten might be 6 Lavin. W HAT IS A COCOON 5&HALF? Maybe its none it might not be a Beri'ah?

Mendy Hirth,

The Kollel replies:

I would say that it would be treated exactly like a caterpillar, based on the Rambam in Hilchos Ma'achalos Asuros 2:21. He says there that a whole bug that is decomposing and its form has changed is still considered a Biryah. Therefore the worm inside the cocoon, even though it is metamorphosing would still be considered a Biryah because it is indeed a whole creature.


Yonasan Sigler

This is not a Psak Halachah