Samuel Kosofsky asked:
How can our Gemara say that there are 36 tzadikim who can see B'aspakelaria hameria, a clear vision, when another Gemara in Yevamos 49 that says only Moshe Rabbeinu could see b'aspaklareya meira and no other navi could?
The Kollel replies:
See Bava Basra 12a, "Af Al Pi she'Nitlah ha'Nevu'ah Min ha'Nevi'im, Min ha'Chachamim Lo Nitlah; Amar Ameimar v'Chacham Adif MI'Navi." Accordingly, although no Navi can see as Moshe could, a Chacham can. See Ramban to Bava Basra there.
D. Zupnik