More Discussions for this daf
1. Pas Shacharis and Onah 2. The Diet of Rebbi Elazar 3. טעמא דרבן שמעון כדמר
4. שתהא יציאתך מן העולם כביאתך לעולם 5. י"ג דברים נאמרו בפת שחרית

yonasan asked:

rashi explains that pas shacharis helps one overcome the allure of other women because it puts one in a state of mind that causes him to have relations with his own wife. I was under the impression that relations were only permitted in the morning for talmedey chachamim, and only if yitzro misgaber - teh gemara seems to be talking to the "hamon am"?


The Kollel replies:

Relations are permitted in daytime in a dark house where there is no light, even for someone who is not a Talmid Chacham (Shulchan Aruch OC 240:11).

Dov Freedman