Michael S. Winokur asked:

When Rav Bibi says "mutal al hametzar" is this the same as where a corpse is lying on an "Astratia" which, according to Rashi, is 16 amot wide and a reshut rabim, or does the word "metzar" mean something else, as usually the work metzar refers to a boundary or a narrow place?

Michael S. Winokur, Forest Hills, New York, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Michael,

Rashi here explains differently than in Eruvin 17b. In Eruvin he explains Al ha'Metzar as the corpse lying from boundary to boundary blocking the entire road. However, here Rashi learns that it lies to the width of the road and therefore narrows the use of the road.

The Toras Chaim adds that Rashi explains the question differently also. In Eruvin he learns that Koneh Mekomo means it must remain in its place. Here he seems to learn that it could and has the right to remain buried in its place. He explains at length how the answer fits the question respectively.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner