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Jeno Gal asks:

Hello again.

The Tana says Chayav in the above case, -- but we have a rule that Chai Nossei Es Atzmo, -- so shouldn't he be Patur?

Thank You, Jeno Gal

The Kollel replies:

(a) The Sefas Emes (94a) raises your question. He points out that even though our Mishnah argues with Rebbi Nosson, and does not rule "Chai Nosei Es Atzmo" with regard to animals, nevertheless the Gemara entertained the possibility that our Tana agrees with Rebbi Nosson. How can our Tana agree with Rebbi Nosson and rule "Chai Nosei Es Atzmo" with regard to animals, if the Mishnah says one is Chayav for taking out a live locust?

The Sefas Emes answers that perhaps we would have explained that the Mishnah is discussing a locust that is bound ("Kafus"), which is not "Nosei Es Atzmo."

(b) It would seem to me, though, that locusts were not included in the rule of "Chai Nosei Es Atzmo". Even Rebbi Nosson only applied the rule to "people, wild and domestic animals, and birds." We do not see that the rule applies to insects. Perhaps because of a difference in their muscular structure, they may not "carry themselves" the same way as mammals.

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf