More Discussions for this daf
1. Halachah l'Moshe m'Sinai 2. When did Moshe say "Al ya'asu od melacha" Shemos 36:6 3. krashim and agalot
4. Hoshatah and Agalot 5. krashim and agalot 6. Tosfos DH Ha
7. ארבע אמות בשבת גמרא גמירי לה

Boruch Yuabov asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld!

I'm trying to better understand pirush of Rashi about loading of Krashim on Agalot.Each time I draw a picture of loading (as explained by Rashi) it happens that beams should be passed through the animals that were in front of Agala. More over most popular explanation about transportaion of beams by two agalot side by side of each other seems to contradict the way there were loaded ( as explained by Rashi)I'd like to ask you the same favor I would ask Rashi. Please draw me a picture of loading of beams and their transportaion ( Plz dont forget 2 bulls in front of each agala) thank you very much.

Boruch Yuabov, NY, USA

The Kollel replies:

Two wagons were stationed next to each other, and in front of them was another pair of wagons. The Levi'im would pass the pillars (Kerashim) of the Mishkan to the Levi'im who were standing in the first pair of wagons (closest to the loading zone of the Kerashim), and those Levi'im would take the pillars and pass them on to the Levi'im in the second pair of wagons. There is no reason why the Kerashim could not have been passed over the heads of the animals. The Levi'im were tall enough to do so, despite the fact that the wagons had no floors.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose