More Discussions for this daf
1. Halachah l'Moshe m'Sinai 2. When did Moshe say "Al ya'asu od melacha" Shemos 36:6 3. krashim and agalot
4. Hoshatah and Agalot 5. krashim and agalot 6. Tosfos DH Ha
7. ארבע אמות בשבת גמרא גמירי לה

Betzalel Gersten asked:

Gemara (w/Rashi) wants to learn out the melacha of Hotza'ah from Shemos 36:6 that apparently the melacha refered to in the pasuk is that they should no longer bring materials from their tents (Reshus HaYachid) to Moshe's tent in Machaneh L'viyah (Reshus HaRabim) (see Rashi) - The gemara assumes this happened on Shabbos and not Chol

MY QUESTION: - No one says anything to this regard, but wouldn't Moshe have to make this proclamation on EREV SHABBOS before sundown. Are we to assume that the people were violating this melacha d'orita all day Shabbos until Moshe said stop. This after Matan Torah. And B'nei Yisrael were given Shabbos even before in Marah. Am I missing something???

I thought a possible answer might be that as long as they needed materials for mishkan it could be brought, but once there was sufficient materials there was no longer a dechuya of hilchot shabbos. You see for Kiddush HaChodesh potential witnesses can violate Shabbos. The reason I don't like my answer is (1) that you are dealing with a d'ortia here, and (2) you have to make a chiluck and say that the building of the mishkan is not docheh shabbos, but the preparations to build are docheh. It doesn't seem to work.

There must be a simple obvious observation that I'm missing? Thanks for the help.

Kol Tuv,

Betzalel Gersten

Betzalel Gersten, Mevaseret, Israel

The Kollel replies:

The SFAS EMES addresses your question (a bit of advice: the Sfas Emes is generally a good place to look for answers to simple problems in the Gemara), and says that Bnei Yisrael certainly would not transgress this prohibition on Shabbos. Moshe was merely giving them an encouraging reminder that they were not supposed to be working on the Mishkan because it is Shabbos.

The Sfas Emes cites RASHI in Bamidbar (9:4) as similarly saying that the Parsha of Korban Pesach was said over by Moshe Rabeinu again, even though Bnei Yisrael already were told the Halachos by Moshe, in order to encourage everyone when it was applicable.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose