More Discussions for this daf
1. A Chiyuv to bring 39 Korbanos for transgressing the 39 Melachos 2. The source of 39 as the number of Melachos 3. The Rabanan telling us what the 39 Melachos are
4. The 39 Melachos and Malkos 5. The Melachah of Kindling a Fire 6. r' safra and r' nachman
7. Minyana Lamah Li

Robert A. Miller asked:

Thanks, Rabbi, for re-sending this piece. Is there any connection to the 39 lashes imposed by Bet Din? Or any significance that 39 is a multiple of 13? Sincerely,

Robert A. Miller

The Kollel replies:

The Rishonim point out that the 39 lashes are always given in multiples of three, and each lash of every set of three are administered in one of three places on the body (Makos 22b). The maximum number of lashes that a person can receive is 3 X 13, which corresponds to the age (13) at which a child becomes obligated to observe the Mitzvos. (This is also related to the Gemara in Chagigah 15a and in Yoma 77a, which says that certain angels were punished with 60 lashes of fire. 60 lashes are 3 X 20, which corresponds to the age at which a person is culpable to receive heavenly punishment, as we pointed out in the Insights to Shabbos 89b:3.)

We are not aware of any link between the 39 Melachos and the 39 lashes, but there is most likely some connection between the two.

Be well, Mordecai

David Leitner comments:

The Tikunei Zohar 48 points to a connection between the 39 Melochos of Shabbos and the 39 Malkos, stating that when Adam were punished for their Sin, each one, Adam. Chava and the snake received ten punishments and curses and the earth received 9, making a total of 39. Adam ate from the tree just before Shabbos. Disobedience is therefore punished with 39 lashes and by abstaining from 39 forbidden Melochos on Shabbos, has the similar effect as receiving the punishment on Adam Horishon.


David Leitner, Manchester

Zelig comments on this:

The Zohar cited by David Leitner has greater significance than pointing out the cumulative list of pounishments received by Adam, Eve and the Earth. If as Rashi points out that that when we refrain from melacha on Shabbos we recognize that ther e is a limit to our abilty to be creative, then we are acting in concert with HaShem's plan . perhaps, this is why we refer to Shabbos in the Zemiros as Meayn Haolam Ha baah.I have not seen any meforshei hazohar but the reference to the zemiros imay be based upon this Zohar and other mekoros.