More Discussions for this daf
1. Wearing ear-rings on Shabbos 2. Wearing Jewelry in the Street 3. Totafos -- Which came first Tefilin or head ornaments?
4. A contradiction in Shmuel 5. שבכה

Yossi asks:

"No! she may not go out wearing nose or ear-rings, or go out with a needle which has no eye."

Is this halacha? Without an eruv, can a woman walk out with ear-rings? Thanks.

The Kollel replies:

On Daf 64b Tosefos brings several Sevaras to explain why in post-Gemora

times the prohibition of wearing Jewellery was not maintained. The Shulchan Aruch O.C. 303 #18 Quotes all these opinions as Halacha. (See below, for a copy of our Insights on this matter.)

Regarding earrings specifically, the Halacha (ibid #8) is that they are

Mutar even according to the original Din of the Gemora. This is because in

order to take off her earrings a woman must remove part of her head

covering which she would not do in public. The Rema adds that if her head

covering is so arranged that she cold remove her earings without uncovering

her hair, then it would be forbidden to wear earrings.

Ilan Segal