More Discussions for this daf
1. The 2 Tana Devai Rabi Yishmael 2. Tum'ah on Regular Beged Source 3. "Beged" in Pasuk Refers to Sha'atnez
4. Warp and Woof Mekabel Tum'ah 5. Rashi - Rava Tzitzis Strings

gabriel shagabayev asks:

what does it mean " af kol". If it explicitly says beged tzemer upistim can become tamei through tzaraat how can it be reffering to anything else like shaatnezor tzitzit other than tumah.

gabriel shagabayev, brooklyn

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara tells us that we learn from the seemingly surperfluous word "or" (Vayikra 11:32) that it is not only Tzemer or Pishtim clothes that become Tamei. The verse (11:32) states, "O Beged" ("or clothing") becomes Tamei. The extra word "O" ("or") teaches that all materials of clothing, not only Tzemer and Pishtim, can become Tamei.

Therefore, when Vayikra 13:47 states "Beged" and then tells us about Tzemer or Pishtim, this is teaching us about something different than Tzara'as. This is why Rav Papa said it is teaching a Sin concerning Sha'atnez.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom