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1. Zechus Toleh 2. A Sotah whose husband dies 3. גרושה וחלוצה לכהן הדיוט לא שותות וכו' לא לאוסרה אבועל

Norman Mandel asked:

In the Argument between Bet Shammai & Bet Hillel, regarding a sotah that her husband dies. Does she, or doesn't she, collect her Ketubah from the Yorsheem. According to Halacha do we Posek like Bet Hillel or Bet Shammai

Norman Mandel, Brooklyn, NY

The Kollel replies:

As in most cases, the Halachah follows Beis Hillel. This applies, of course, only when there is an actual Halachah that she must drink the Mei Sotah -- i.e. when there was Kinuy and Setirah.

D. Zupnik