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1. Seven or Shemitah? 2. Chanufah and Debts 3. Rebbi Avahu's wife
4. Berachah before Torah 5. לפי שאין עונים אמן במקדש

Refoel Salzer asked:

Why was it not ossur mita'am rechilus for Rebi Avohu's wife to report to him the insult she heard about him from the wife of his Amorah?

Refoel Salzer, Gateshead UK

The Kollel replies:

First, while we assume that all of the Chachmei ha'Mishnah vha'Gemara were Tzadikim, it is not clear that we must assume the same for their wives. We find, for example, that the wife of Rebbi Chiya made life difficult (Metza'er) for him (Yevamos 63a).

But even assuming that the wives of the Chachamim were punctilious in their practice of Halachah, perhaps Rebbi Avahu's wife's behaviour was not out of line. Perhaps she was concerned that her husband's continued relationship with the Meturgaman would damage his reputation. If the Meturgaman's wife was telling even Rebbi Avahu's own wife what the Meturgaman thought of him, then presumably she was sharing it with others as well. In other words Rebbi Avahu's wife's intention in telling him was l'To'eles, to protect him from slander (see Chafetz Chaim, Hilchos Rechilus, ch. 9).

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler

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