More Discussions for this daf
1. The statement of Rebbi Chanina mi'Sura 2. Zivugim 3. sotah
4. Second Marriage 5. Kinuy b'Zman ha'Zeh 6. Rashi DH Makneh Lah Al Pi Shenayim
7. One Ed by Sotah Vadai 8. What if Husband Dies? 9. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzach amar Resh Lokish
10. Kinui Without Eidim 11. Laws of Sotah 12. Zivug Rishon and Zivug Sheni
13. Finding the right one 14. Sotah 15. Zivug Rishon and Sheni
16. Different factors for a Sotah 17. V'Ed Ein Bah 18. 7 Nations
19. נאמנות הבעל לטומאה

nenner asked:

where does rashi explain a second zivug is more difficult then splitting the red see since HB volontarely does not want to know if a person os going to do mizvot and therefore does not know who belongs to who It could be it is only in Sota but i thought alos in ketubes but i can not find it anymore


The Kollel replies:

I don't believe there is such a Rashi (that says Hash-m does not "want" to know what Mitzvos the person will do in the future...). The Sugya appears in the following places: Sotah 2a, Sanhedrin 22a. In Sotah Rashi says that the difficulty of Keri'as Yam Suf is "that the orderliness of Creation was changed". Perhaps you saw someone who read into this what you wrote.

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf