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16. Different factors for a Sotah 17. V'Ed Ein Bah 18. 7 Nations
19. נאמנות הבעל לטומאה

A.Y.Radbil asked (in German):

Wie kann der Rejscch Lakisch sagen, dass der zivug lefi maasav gegeben wird, wenn er selbst ein Räuber gewesen ist, und einen perfekten schiduch bekommen hat.

P.S. hae auch einen Antwortvorschlag, bei der Interesse, kann ich ihn Ihnen mitteilen

English Translation:

How can Reish Lakish say "Zivug Lefi Ma'asav" if he himself was a robber and he got a perfect Shiduch.

P.S. I have an answer/suggestion if you are interested that I can send to you.

A.Y.Radbil, Berlin, Germany

The Kollel replies:

Had he not repented, he probably would not have ended up marrying Rebbi Yochanan's sister. "Lefi Ma'asav" refers to his actions at the time of the Zivug.

This is the simple meaning of the Gemara - but I would be glad to see what you have to say (in English or Hebrew).

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld