More Discussions for this daf
1. The "Hechsher Mitzvah" in honoring one's parents 2. Kibud Av va'Em vs. Other Mitzvos 3. Insights to the Daf
4. Kibud Av 5. Mi'Toch 6. Setirah in Tosfos
7. Rashi says Bitmiah 8. כיביד אב ואם ומצוות אחרות

Sender and Eytan asks:

Hi. From 5b to 6a, the Gemara discusses the Baraisa relating to Kibbud Av V\'eim not being docheh Shabbos. The gemara suggests that this refers to a melacha like Mechameir, where there is no Kares, and even so, it is not nidcheh by kibbud av v\'eim. Rashi says that this should be read Bitmiah, but we don\'t understand what the question is. In the summary on your website, it is not presented as a question.

Please advise.

Thanks a lot. Kol tuv.


Sender and Eytan, New York, USA

The Kollel replies:

Rashi (DH "v'Afilu Hachi") says "bi'Temiyah" for the following reason.

After the Gemara establishes that Kibud Av va'Em would have pushed off the prohibition of Mechamer, it asks "va'Afilu Hachi...d'Lo Lidchi?" In other words, if a Pasuk regarding Kibud Av va'Em teaches us that Kibud Av va'Em (Asei) does not push aside Mechamer (a Lo Sasei), we should derive from here that in the rest of the Torah an Aseh generally does not push aside a Lo Sasei.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose