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4. Child born 7 or 9 months 5. Marriage of a Yavam or Get after Bi'ah Rishonah

yehuda leb asked:

Am I reading this right at the bottom of 35b. The yavam can give a get after the first biah or do a second biah and establish the marraige. Is there a difference in the marital status before and after a second biah?

yehuda leb, st louis, usa

The Kollel replies:

There is no case with both options. The Gemara does quote the opinion of Reish Lakish that in a case where Yibum was done to a pregnant woman and the child did not turn out to be a Ben Kayama, a second Bi'ah has to be done. This is because Reish Lakish holds that Yibum done to a pregnant woman, even if it turns out that the child she was carrying did not exempt her from Yibum, is an invalid Yibum. He cannot merely give her a Get without doing Bi'ah again, as she is not considered married to him. Accordingly, he must do Yibum again in order for her to be considered married to him, and in order for a Get to ever be considered as an option. Reish Lakish would (of course) agree that a Get is sufficient after any regular Yibum is performed, and no second Bi'ah is required.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose