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1. "Rotzeh Ani" 2. Talmidei Chachamim and the fire of Gehinom

Yitzchak Coffer asked:

The Beis Din may strike him until he says, "Rotzeh Ani." I find this difficult to accept because in essence the words do not come from his inner desire but from his fear of additional punishment. In other words, although a person's neshama always yearns to follow the Torah without any impediments it appears to me that the words Rotzeh Ani only express what he wants to do for his wife in order to avoid addtional punishment but not that he truly wants to do the will of HaShem. Could you therefore clarify for me what this expression of "inner desire" actually means?

The Kollel replies:

RASHI in Kidushin (50a, DH Mitzvah) explains that since it is a Mitzvah to follow the words of the Chachamim, "we are to assume that he is a person who fulfills Mitzvos" ("Is Lan l'Achzukei b'Chezkas Mekayem Mitzvah") and that he resolved in his heart to listen to the Beis Din.

This means that since, anyway, the Get is going to be given by force and his wife will be divorced from him, we assume that he does not care that the Mitzvah is going to be fulfilled no matter what, and it indeed is in his heart to consent to the Mitzvah. (Regarding the words of the Rambam, he is writings words of Agadah to impress upon us this point.)
