More Discussions for this daf
1. Washing hands without Kavanah (Insights to Daf 19) 2. The Me'iri on Netilas Yadayim/Tum'ah 3. Gud Asik
4. Gal she'Nitlash 5. Chullin b'Taharas ha'Kodesh 6. רשד"ה ואם בשביל שידחו ידיו
7. אי תניא

Yitzchak Coffer asked:

We see that if the person did not have kavanah he should wash again but does not make the bracha.Do we learn from this similarly that if one talked after washing and before ha'motzee that here too he does not make another bracha? Or has it nothing to do with kavanah but only a hefseik which requires the washing over again but without making a bracha?

The Kollel replies:

In the case which you mention, the problem is that one had a Hefsek, an interruption between washing and eating bread, which is different than the problem of having no Kavanah. (However, in practice, in the case you mention one would also not recite the Berachah a second time, because it is a Machlokes Rishonim whether speaking is considered a Hefsek or not).
