More Discussions for this daf
1. Running in fear 2. City that is first walled then settled 3. Forgetting the Letters; Yonasan ben Uzi'el
4. The Letters of the Torah 5. Nature of Kesuvim & Relation to Nevuah 6. Nazir ve'Kohen Gadol
7. When Megillah Overrides Other Obligations 8. Kavod ha'Torah vs. Talmud Torah 9. Angel's Rebuke
10. Korban Tamid 11. Mes Mitzvah Adif 12. Avodah vs. Mes Mitzvah
13. Targum of Kesuvim and Torah 14. Hesped for Achav 15. תרגום תורה וכתובים

Gabriel asks:

Why was it such a big nes about the letters

Gabriel, Brooklyn

The Kollel replies:

Rashi explains that this refers to the letters Samech and the Mem of the end of a word; the piece of stone in the middle of the letter remained in place even though it was hanging in the air.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner