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Max Weiman asks:

The gem. says in the name of r elazar in the name of r chanina HaOmer davar bishem omro...

This is also a mishna/braisa in Pirkey Avos. Why did the Gemara or r chanina not indicate the earlier source? Even if r chanina was not familiar with that braisa surely ravina and rav ashi were.

Max Weiman, St. Louis, MO

The Kollel replies:

Dear Max,

The Maharsha explains that maybe Rebbi Chanina didn't know the Beraisa of Avos, and the Gemara here includes it in the list of his Derashos. I would add that this is consistent with the style of the Gemara which often brings more than one Amora (or Beraisa) saying the same thing.

The Tevu'os Shor adds the following. There is a connection to the previous Derashah. A pearl is not damaged when lost, only its owners are lacking it. Similarly, a Tzadik is not damaged himself. But one can ask, what will be with the Torah that he could have learned if he was alive? Rebbi Chanina answers that others will Torah in his name, and so the Tzadik, like the pearl, is not damaged at all.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner