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7. Kedushah Rishonah 8. מנוחה

alex lebovits asked:

In Pirkei Avos 5:7 we learn about the ten miracles that were performed for our ancestors in the Beis Hamikdash.

1.Why is the miracle of the Aron not mentioned there.

2.What is the significance that the Aron didn't take up any space?

3. How do we know that the Aron took up no space, perhaps it did, and it was the walls that expanded?

Kol Tuv

Alex Lebovits

alex lebovits, toronto, canada

The Kollel replies:

1. Your question is asked by Gemara Yoma 21a.

(a) The Gemara answers that the Mishnah only lists miracles that happened outside but not the miracles inside. RASHI DH DE'BRAI explains that miracles that happened outside in the "Azarah" (courtyard of the Beis ha'Mikdash) were known to everyone, so the Mishnah mentioned them, but the miracle of the Aron ha'Kodesh was in the Kodesh Kodashim and not so well known, so the Mishnah omitted it.

(b) Gemara there 21b gives an additional answer that the Mishnah does not mention miracles which were fixed and always remained there in their place.

2. MAHARSHA BAVA BASRA 99a DH MAKOM writes that the Shechinah rested upon the Aron, as Shmos 25:22 states "And I will speak with you from above the Kapores between the two Keruvim".Since the Shechinah is spiritual, not physical, it therefore could not be confined and contained by any space and measurements, because the whole world is full of the glory of Hash-m.

3.The measurements of the walls are stated explicitly by the Torah, so we assume they did not expand.


D. Bloom