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16. 40 years in the Midbar 17. Rashbam's Shitah on 40 years in Midbar

Rafael Aryeh asks:

I have a note written in my Meam Lo'ez...and I am HOPING you can clear up a disparity I have come upon.

MINE, not the Torahs, obviously.

It says at this time, the men of war finished dying.

The Abarbanel says in Hash-m's mercy, they died in order. Eldest, each year. first. It continued this way until the men who were 20 at the time of the spies, died. It therefore came out, that they all died at age 60.

OK..My question,

The spy incident occured 2 years into the 40 year wandering.

Since that would mean, the people that "were 20 at the time of the spies" would be 58 at the 40th year of wandering, or the 38th since the spy incident......does that mean that there were no 20 or 21 year olds at the time of the spies? in my puny thinking, that would be a "WAY OUT" to understand these calculations.

So precisely I am asking: if there WERE 20 & 21 year olds at the time of the spies,

and All the "men of war" died at 60 (Abarbanel) could those 20 & 21 year olds have lived until 60, assuming the count is from the tie of the spies?

Ahh..maybe the count was from BEFORE the time of the spies? meaning....THEY WILL WANDER FOR 40 YEARS AND NOT ENTER, would be inclusive..(similiar, L'Havdil to "TIME SERVED" for a prisoner in jail)??

If so, thanks for listening and answering my dilemma.

It's great writing you, as you ALWAYS seem to know what to say.

Rafael Aryeh the event that i didn't "figure it out" whilst do we resolve this conundrum?


That's me smiling.

Rafael Aryeh

The Kollel replies:

This is a tough one. The Midrash Agadah (Buber) seems to refer to this and suggests that the younger people from the first and second year after they left Egypt were also included in the Gezeirah since they were involved with making the Golden Calf, etc., and they also died a year or two younger, meaning that they were 58 or 59.

One could also suggest that just as it says "a day for a year... forty days" but in effect it was 38 years as mentioned in Devarim (since the first day and last day were not counted, and the number 40 in the Torah is not always precise), so the people who were 20 or 21 indeed got let off and did not die.

Yoel Domb