More Discussions for this daf
1. Suicidal prayer 2. Choni the "Me'agel" 3. Choni ha'Me'agel
4. Shimon Ben Shetach and Choni ha'Ma'agal 5. How does the Gemara know the story if it was kept secret 6. Choni Ha'Ma'agal
7. בימי שמעון בן שטח ירדו גשמים 8. אישתטח על קברא דאבוה


Kvod Harav,

Byimei Shimon ben Shotach, the rains fell Ktikunam, Tuesday and Friday nights, and the grains grew very large etc.

Then the Gemarah cites the story of Choni Hamagel, that the rains did not fall as of the second half of Adar, etc...

The Gemarah then says that Shimon ben Shotach sent a message to Choni, ilmoleh Choni att, I would be Gozer Niddui on you.

Maaseh Listor?/!

It says on top of the Amud that all was well with the rains Byimei Shimon ben Shotach, but he was still alive during the Maaseh of Choni, where the rains did not fall.

(lchora there were different tekufos of Biyemei...)

Yasher Koach.


The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

As you suggest, the Gemara is referring to two different Tekufos.'Ma'aseh' Listor doesn't apply here since the two citation are in two B'raysos.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.