More Discussions for this daf
1. Birkas v'Lamalshinim 2. Yehudah Ger Amoni 3. R. Gamliel and R. Elazar ben Azaryah
4. Bribes (Shochad) 5. Know before Whom you stand 6. Sancheriv
7. Shmuel ha'Katan 8. Raban Gamliel being reinstated as Nasi 9. May the Living Lie about the Dead?
10. The Right to Depose Raban Gamliel 11. Tocho K'Boro 12. "Nikra Poshe'a"
13. Chizkiyahu 14. Tocho K'Boro 15. Musaf after Seven Hours
16. Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai 17. Shimon bar Yochai 18. Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah taking over the Nesi'us from Raban Gamliel
19. Praying for a friend in order to be answered first 20. Shmuel ha'Katan and Birkas ha'Minim 21. Zav
22. Which prayers require standing 23. R. Gamliel and R. Elazar ben Azaryah

Jacobo Esayag asked:

Could you explain me in the Rashi Mitpalel shel mincha, why does he say "nikra poshea GAM..."

The Kollel replies:

Rashi means to say that the person is already called a Poshe'a for delaying Musaf (as he writes in his next comment). Since he has already delayed Musaf, he should not pray Musaf first and thereby delay Minchah and be called a Poshe'a for delaying Minchah as well . (See our Insights to Berachos 28a, accessible from

Be well,


Rabbi Lee Buckman asked:

Dear Kollel, Thank you for the response. If I may ask a followup, the maskana of the gemara seems to be to reject Rabban Gamliel, which is to say that students may be accepted into the yeshiva even if they aren't tocho k'varo. Which position do you think is more educationally sound--RG's or the maskana's? And where do most halachic authorities fall out on this issue? Thanks, Lee Buckman

The Kollel replies:

RAV REUVEN MARLOGIOS (in YESOD HA'MISHNAH V'ARICHASAH) explains at length that Raban Gamliel followed the approach of Beis Shamai with regard to minimizing the quantity of students in order to maximize the quality and to teach only those who are "Tocho k'Varo." Accordingly, we follow Beis Hillel l'Halachah, and thus in practice an educator should -- in general -- be open to teaching everyone.