More Discussions for this daf
1. Just like fire cannot become Tamei... 2. Rashi mentions Keri'as ha'Torah instead of Keri'as Shema 3. Ba'al Keri
4. k'Tana'i 5. Ben Azai 6. Keri'as Shema recited b'Reses uv'Ze'ah
7. Leniency by Keri 8. Incontinence 9. Ba'al Keri and Birkas ha'Mazon
10. Takkanas Ezra 11. Urinating during the Amidah 12. Ba'al Keri
13. Ba'al Keri 14. ביטול תקנת עזרא 15. מכניס עצמו לאונס

Meyer Stein asks:

Rashi says that Ba'al Keri is because of kalus Rosh so is different from other Types of Impurity. My question is that most times isn't one a Ba'al Keri for performing a Mitzva, either Leil tevilah or ones chiyuv Oneh. And it seems we are stricter with regard to one who has marital relations more than loynso.

Meyer Stein , Usa

The Kollel replies:

Even though the Ba'al Keri may have performed a Mitzvah of Leil Tevilah or Chiyuv Onah, nevertheless for most people it is difficult to perform the Mitzvah totally l'Shem Shamayim, without an element of Kalus Rosh also.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom