More Discussions for this daf
1. Emes v'Yatziv d'Oraisa 2. Ba'al Keri and reciting Torah 3. Berachos mid'Oraisa
4. Difficult Kal v'Chomer 5. Tevillah for Ba'alas Keri 6. Interrupting in Middle of Tefilah
7. Davening long 8. Rebbi Yochanan 9. Rebbi Yochanan's Kal va'Chomer
10. Correction to Point by Point 11. Emes at the end of Keri'as Shema 12. Praying twice, twice
13. Using a Verse for Multiple Purposes 14. Anusas Aviv 15. Bending when the Tzibur gets to Modim
16. Tefilah on Shabbos 17. Tefilas Nedavah 18. Semuchim
19. Malchus 20. Shemoni Esrei with Tzibur 21. shema or emes viyatziv being derabanan or deoraysa

M. Fruchter asked:

The gemoroh says that the reason we dont say a full shemona esrah on shabbos is because of kvod shabbos, the chachomim were not matriach us. (We should have been able to say it because of tofes brocho.)

We already say a twice as long psukai dezimrah and krias HaTorah, and we are not going to work on shabbos. Why were the chachomim so concerned about Tircha with regard to shemona esrah? If there is a Tircha involved, then why do we have such a long psukai dezimrah?

Thank you

M. Fruchter, Teaneck, New Jersey, USA

The Kollel replies:

Good question. It seems that the reason why the long weekday Shemoneh Esreh is a Tircha is not only because of its length, but because of its content as well. It is a Tircha to stand up and ask for our needs, because doing so reminds us of how lacking we are and it dampens our happiness on Shabbos and limits our ability to dedicate the day to spiritual pursuits with a clear head and happy heart. Hence, a long Pesukei d'Zimra is not a Tircha in that sense, since the point of resting from Melachah on Shabbos is in order to enable us to praise Hash-m and to learn His Torah, which is what we do when we recite Pesukei d'Zimra and perform Keri'as ha'Torah.

Yisrael Shaw