Rashi says in DH Shom Tizbach that although acc to R Elazar ben Azarya the korbon pesach is nosar in the morning we don't burn it until after yom tov. He says we have a rule of not burning kodshim on yom tov.
My question is why don't we say the din of Mitoch for burning kodshim? Since you are allowed to use a fire on yom tov, shouldn't you be allowed to burn it on yom tov?
SG, Brooklyn, NY
Tosfos in Shabbos 24b DH Lefi answers that we do not say "Mitoch" unless the person has some minimal benefit from the Melachah on Yom Tov. In the case of burning Kodshim, though, it is prohibited to benefit from them while they are being burned, and therefore we cannot permit burning them through the rule of "Mitoch."
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld