More Discussions for this daf
1. The Time Of Kerias Shema of the Morning 2. Kerias Shema after midnight 3. Hash-m sefasei tiftach
4. The time for reading Shema 5. Be'chipazon - 6. Burning Kodshim on Yom Tov?
7. Vatikin versus Daf Yomi shiur 8. Contradiction within Rashi 9. Hanetz Hachamah
10. Sharp questions 11. Time the Malchei Umos ha'Olam Arise in the Morning 12. Lo Sechanim and Paskening Like Your Rebbi
13. Following the Ruling of your Rebbi 14. Earliest Time To Daven Shacharis 15. Saying Shema with Sunrise
16. Makas Bechoros 17. Vatikin and Acherim 18. Oso Tzadik
19. They "borrowed" from the Egyptians 20. Zman Krias Shema 21. Various questions (Leaving Egypt, Eliyahu, Ge'ulah l'Tefilah)
22. The sons of Raban Gamliel and their question 23. Achilas Korban Pesach 24. Vasikin
25. כדאי הוא ר' פלוני לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק

Daniel First asked:

Why is the mitzva of davening vasikin so great that one it not hurt the entire day (as seen in the story with resh lakish)? Does that reward always apply, or must certain requirements of kavana or the like be fulfilled? thank you in advance

Daniel First, Teaneck, NJ

The Kollel replies:

We can certainly learn the veracity of the Pasuk in Koheles "How good is something that is done in its right time!"

Some things have three time periods - the wrong time, the right time and the ideal time. Davening ka'Vasikin is the ideal time. One might well ascribe this to the very fact that one gets up early to serve Hash-m and Daven at the earliest possible moment, demonstrating one's order of priorities. It is hardly surprising that Hash-m responds favorably, much like the Gemara says at the end of 14a, that if one makes a point of Davenning before setting out on a long journey, Hash-m will bless one's endeavors with success.

Rashi however, on Daf 4b, citing the Yerushalmi, has a different explanation. By implication, he compares someone who Davens ka'Vasikin to the friend of a King who knocks at the King's door, which the King opens and lets him in.

Someone who Davens ka'Vasikin is a friend of the King, and is assured that the King will let him in and listen to his pleas.

Kol Tuv,

R. Eliezer Chrysler