On Ktuvot 86a Rav Nahman gave legal advice to a relative and then regretted havung done so' because "Adam Hashuv Shani" - Prominent Persons are different - which Rashi interprets to mean: "Others may learn from Prominent Persons and give this advice to people who are NOT their relatives". Is this the problem? And what is the difference who gives the advice?
A rason which would perhaps be easier to understand is that Prominent Persons should refrain from going out of their way to help even relatives because of the fear of Nepotism, for instance!
Y. Hollander
See Tosfos Yom Tov, Avos 1:8, that a non-Chashuv may give advice even to one who is not a relative, but if not a relative, Rebbi Yochanan would have abstained for he would have no reason to give the advice. A relative, though, has a reason for giving advice -- so as not to forsake his relative. However, he mentions that from the words of Rashi it seems that one may advise only a relative.