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Ivan Weinstein asked:

The gemara asks what is a dolphin, whereby Rav Yehuda answers "B'ney Yama". Rashi's explanation of B'ney Yama is that "there are fish in the sea which are half human and half fish."

Is Rashi speaking of a mermaid? I was under the impression that such a creature was nothing more than a myth..

Also are there any other sources that speak about this particular Gemara/Rashi in depth?

Thank you,

Ivan Weinstein

The Kollel replies:


We discussed this topic in brief in the Insights to the Daf .

You will find an excellent and comprehensive discussion of the identity of Benei Yama in Rabbi Nosson Slifkin's book, MYSTERIOUS CREATURES -- INTRIGUING TORAH ENIGMAS OF NATURAL AND UNNATURAL HISTORY, available online at . It is a fascinating book.

Y. Shaw