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1. Tevilah, Ne'itzah 2. Shevor Kashered the Knife 3. Last Sugya
4. Last Sugya 5. Siyum

Martin Fogel asked:

The Gemara discusses the question of sticking a knife into the ground to make usable after coming from an Akum. They brought supporting Baraisos for the opinions. It seemed odd to me that the gemara then went on to the story with Shevur Malka as if to use it to provide futher support for the opinions given. Why would his actions lend any support to the opinion about "kashering" the knife?

I also wonder whether you saw interesting explanation why the Gemarah would choose this particular story to end the mesechta.

Martin Fogel, Carlsbad, CA

The Kollel replies:

After Shevor Malka went through the process of sticking the knife in the ground, Mar Yehudah proceeded to eat from the Esrog. This shows that it was obviously a known and accepted Jewish custom to Kasher the knife in such a manner -- as is evident likewise from Bati's reaction. It was not a novel concept initiated by Shevor Malka.

D. Zupnik