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1. Kal Kavu'a K'Mechtzah Al Mechtzah 2. Bitul

Shalom Kelman asked:

As mentioned in your insights the Rosh and Shita Mekubetzet state that bitul b'rov accomplishes complete annihilation of the Isur such that all three pieces can be eaten by the same person together. I could not locate the Rambam's opinion on this matter. Do you have any reference?

Shalom Kelman, Baltimore, MD

The Kollel replies:

The Rambam writes (Hilchot Ma'achalot Asurot 15:4) "Even a piece of Neveilah which was mixed up with two pieces of Kosher slaughtered meat is permitted by Torah law, but the Sages said that it is all forbidden until the prohibited item becomes lost due to its small quantity"

[In the next Halachah the Rambam writes that 60 times as much permitted meat is necessary in order to nullify the Neveilah.]


Dovid Bloom