1. Not following how a follower of one type of avodah zarah can nullify an avodah zarah of someone who follows another one? Granted yes if they both believe that all AZs have power but what if one believes the other's god is false...how can he nullify it ?
2. Yosef Engel Gilyonei Shas for this daf 65A second paragraph...what is being said there?
hgschild, ny ny
1. Indeed, this is a novel law taught by the Gemara (43a, see Ran). The reasoning seems to be that nullifying Avodah Zarah is not a matter of believing in that Avodah Zarah, but rather believing in an Avodah Zarah. Since all Avodah Zarah's are false, someone who is serving one is essentially in the same category of someone who is serving another one: They are both Ovdei Avodah Zarah. This is all that is required for nullification.
2. It seems to me that he is saying that a Ger Toshav's acceptance of Mitzvos is not just a status change to from a Ben Noach to a Get Toshav (though the status itself is changed and provides him with benefits), but also that he is a "Yisraeli" for these Mitzvos. From the rest of the paragraph, I do not think that he is saying that he now is treated like a Jew for these Mitzvos in Halachah (needs warning, is not killed for stealing, etc.). Rather, he is saying that besides the status change he is closer to Hash-m because of his acceptance. This is reflected by the Gemara in Sanhedrin (96b) he quotes regarding Na'aman, about whom the Gemara says that Hash-m wanted to "gather him under the wings of the Shechinah" due to his status of being a Ger Toshav.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose