Rav Huna states that there are 1000 mazikin on our left arms vs. 10,000 mazikin on our right arms. Rav Huna sites Tehilim 91-7 as a proof (restated in the Ayin Yakov). Why does Rav Huna use this source to state his opinion, and, moreover, what is the meaning of his statement? Is there significance to having more mazikin to one side (right) than to the other (left)?
Phillip Sher, Duluth, MN. USA
This chapter in Tehilim refers to different types of damages ("Mazikim") that one who places his trust in Hash-m is saved from. Rashi in Tehilim explains that the word "Yipol" at the start of this verse means to encamp. Hence the verse tells us: "A thousand will encamp by your side and ten thousand on your right (side); they will not come to you". From the context of the chapter it is clear that this means to say, that Hash-m protects one who trusts in him from the thousand Mazikim on his left and the ten thousand on his right. Hence Rav Huna brings this verse as a source for his statement.
I believe that the meaning of Rav Huna's statement is that a person is surrounded by many potential hazards, from which a person may be saved with Hash-m's help.
The Ben Yehoyada says that the Mazikim tend to gather more on the right for two reasons. Firstly because the left is the weaker side they are less bothered to try to attack it and secondly because it is protected by the Mitzvah of Tefilin that are worn on the left hand.
Dov Freedman