More Discussions for this daf
1. ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv 2. Making 2 Berachos on lightning and thunder 3. ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv
4. Thunder and lightening 5. Birchas Ha'Chama 6. Question on words of the Pirkei d'Rebbi Eliezer
7. Gesher d'Bavel 8. Thunder and lightning 9. Father's passing away
10. the sound of one hand clapping 11. Hatov Veha Meitiv on different wines 12. Beracha on Lightning, Toch Kedei Dibur
13. Birkas ha'Chamah and Tekufas Shmuel 14. ברכת החמה

Simcha Blatter asked:

Is there a Mekor for making 2 Berachos (she'kocho & Oseh) on lightning and thunder when they occur one after another - back to back?

I know the that the Mishan Berura states otherwise, but if I recall correctly, this may have been a topic of discussion sometime in 1997-2002 prior to email discusion list being archived.

Anyway, please clarify as to - if there is any basis to making 2 berachos.


Simcha Blatter, Brooklyn, NY

The Kollel replies:

Here is a part of that discussion. If you have further questions, please contact us.

Be well,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf


From Discuss the Daf-

Jay Radin commented:

In regards to the answer that you gave, Rabbi Kramer from Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Sanhedria Murchevet, Yerushalayim, taught us that the correct way to be yotzei both Berachos is to see the lightning and hear its thunder and then make a Brachah over the thunder (the latter) first (Shekocho Ugvurosoh...) and then on the lightning which you saw before (Oseh Maasey Bireishis.)

Reb Yehudah Landy remarks:

This ruling appears to contradict the ruling of the Mishnah Berurah (227:5) who cites from the MAGEN AVRAHAM that after both seeing lightening and hearing thunder, one only makes one Berachah.

Rabbi Kornfeld commments:

I've noticed that there is a widespread custom to specifically wait until after both seeing lightening and hearing thunder, and then recite two Berachos. I found that the source for this appears to be the ELYAH RABA (cited also in DA'AS TORAH of the Maharsham), who disagrees with the Magen Avraham, and asserts that one should say both Berachos after seeing thunder and lightening. (Even though either Berachah will suffice for both, since he has in mind that one is on the thunder and the other on the lightening, the second is not l'Vatalah). He supports this by pointing out that there are those who hold that one always makes both Berachos on either thunder or lightening (Ra'avad in Shiltei Giborim, Rabeinu Yerucham etc.), and therefore at least in the situation when one hear/sees both of them, he can certainly recite both Berachos.
