The Gemoro on 54b learns that the Beis HaMikdosh was built in Shevet Binyomin because the psukim in Sefer Yehoshua refer to "VeYorad Hagvul" and "VeOloh Hagvul". However, Rashi in Chumash, Parshas Masei says that the Torah uses the expression VeYorad Hagvul when the border moves from North to South.
Do you have any comment? (maybe in Yehoshua the borders are patently not North-South, and in Masei not down-up?)
Kol Tuv
Mark Bergman, Manchester UK
The Maharsha in Zevachim (54b) explains that the terms of "v'Yarad" and "v'Alah" in Yehoshua (specifically) are regarding the portions of Yehudah and the other Shevatim, not your typical North-South.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose