The Gemara on Amud Aleph describes Mar brei deRavina's experience. First he was saved from thirst in Arvos, and then from a wild camel in Mechoza. However, the beracha that he made was on Arvos and Gamal (or reverse, depending where he was).
Why is one neis identified by what happened (gamal) and one by where it happened? It should be either gamal vetzama, or Mechoza and Arvos-why the switch?
Thank you.
Gershon Dubin, Brooklyn NY
A good Kashya!
Let me answer by asking another one. Why does the text of Mar brei de'Ravina's Berachah differ from that of the entire Sugya, which always ends with 'she'Asah Li Nes (or Nes la'Avoseinu) ba'Makom ha'Zeh' (irrespective of the nature of the miracle)?
It therefore seems to me that Mar brei de'Ravina actually said 'she'Asah Li Nes ba'Makom ha'Zeh u'be'Mechuzah (or u've'Arvos)', and the Gemara cites an arbitrary Lashon, which should not be taken literally.
Kol Tuv,
R. Eliezer Chrysler