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1. Tumat Avodah Zarah 2. Bitul Avodah Zarah 3. Beis Chonyo

Joey Pick asked:

On 52a-52b, the Gemara implies that avodah zarah itself is tamei when it says that its tumah can be batel. If that is true, then why on daf 48b does the gemara say that if you pass underneath an asheira you are tamei only because there must have been tikrovet avodah zarah (which is tamei) offered underneath there, why doesn't it say that you're tamei because the asheira itself is tamei?

Joey Pick, Newton, MA

The Kollel replies:

Avodah Zarah itself is not Metamei in an Ohel. The Tum'ah of Avodah Zarah is compared either to a Sheretz or to a Nidah, neither of which are Metamei b'Ohel. However, Tikroves Avodah Zarah (something given as an offering to Avodah Zarah) is compared to a Mes which is Metamei b'Ohel.

D. Zupnik