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1. Rashi to 51a, DH Tum'ah Chamurah Einah Osah ka'Yotzei Vah 2. Question on Rashi in Daf 51 3. טומאה חמורה אינה עושה כיוצא בה

Shalom Spira asked:


Shalom Alecha Rebbi Umori.

Rashi says that the contamination of one food to another is dirabbanan. My question is: It's only dirabbanan? It's di'oraisa: mikol ha'ochel asher yei'acheil (Yoma 80a)! Thank you very kindly.

Shalom Spira, Montreal, Canada

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara states explicitly in Pesachim (14a) that Ochel being Metamei another Ochel is only mid'Rabanan. The Gemara in Yoma is talking about the Shi'ur of k'Zayis, which according to Rashi is for Kabalas Tum'ah, and according to Tosfos is to be Metamei other items (such as Mashkim). Ochel ha'Ba Min ha'Ochel means an egg which comes from a hen.

D. Zupnik