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7. Zugos 8. Wiping hands on waiter's head 9. Kos Shel Berachah
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16. רש״י ד״ה וב"ה אומרים

Chaim Finkel asks:

Question:the halacha is that one should be mkpid to wear a hat and jacket by birkas hamazon to be mkayam the din of ituf. lecheora this din should apply only when benching on a koos as tha gmara saya koos needs ten things

The Kollel replies:

The Mishna Berurah 183:10 writes that the custom is to wear a hat and jacket even when Benching without a Kos. The Machatzis ha'Shekel on Magen Avraham 5 quotes the Shelah that the reason for this is to heighten our sense of awe before Hash-m.

Be well,
