I understand that Yalsa may have been a widow before marrying Rav Nachman. Do we have a clue as to the identity of her previous husband? I'm interested in potential fertility issues, since the casa d'Bircata is said to be all about male fertilty.
Did Yalsa have children? In Gittin 45., we learn of the captive daughters of Rav Nachman: Do we know their names? Do we know who is their mother?
timna, richmond, ca
Dear timna,
I found no evidence of Yalsa having another husband. On the contrary from Tosfos DH Kol on Nida 20b it is apparent that R Nachman was her only husband- otherwise Tosfos could have used that fact to answer his question.
R Nachman had many sons: Hon (Yevamos 34b), Huna (Horios 12b), Mar Zutra (BB 151b) Rav Papa (BM 113a) and Raba (Chulin 111a). There is mention of a daughter named Doneg (Kidushin 70a) who is not necessarily from the captive daughters (see Atlas Etz Chaim by R Halperin 4:263).
It could be that R Nachman had as a wife the daughter of Raba bar Avahu (Yevamos 80b). Yalsa was the daughter of the Reish Galusa (Rashi 67b) But maybe it is all the same woman.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner