D"H Chada- v'Im Nomar d'Hacha Mairi b'Ger she'Imo mi'Yisrael Asi Shapir
If his mother is Jewish, I thought he is Jewish and NOT a convert! What kind of a convert is he? (I am aware that this issue is brought up in Yevamot, however I did not send you this question at that time).
simon kahn, Jerusalem, Israel
For the purposes of being appointed to public positions, the definition of a convert is sometimes different. In this Sugya, the discussion concerns the appointment of a Dayan for capital cases, for which the Mishnah in Sanhedrin (32a) states that Meyuchasim are required (see Rashi to Sanhedrin 32a, DH v'Yisraelim).
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom