Is a first born male born through a c-section considered a "bechor" just that he is not entitled to certain rights, or does he not have the status of a bechor and what would the nafka mina's be? (avodah, washing kohen hands if no bechor, taanas bechoros, etc.) Thank you so much!
moshe rubin, brooklyn, usa
It would seem that he is still a Bechor even though he is not entitled to a double portion of the inheritance according to the view of the Chachamim in the Sugya in Bechoros (and this is also the Halachah; see Choshen Mishpat 277). The Poskim discuss the Nafka Minah's that you raised. Regarding Ta'anis Bechoros, the Chok Yakov (Orach Chayim 470:2) is in doubt about whether he qualifies as a Bechor despite not receiving a double portion and not requiring Pidyon ha'Ben, since the fast commemorates the saving from the tenth plague in Egypt, which applied to all types of Egyptian Bechorim (see Rashi to Shemos 12:30). The Kaf ha'Chayim is lenient regarding these Bechorim, but the Mishneh Halachos (11:370) is more stringent and requires the Bechorim to fast.
Regarding the concept of a Bechor washing a Kohen's hands, the Mishnah Berurah says that this applies only to a Bechor born in the regular manner and not by c-section.
As for Avodah, this is not done by a Bechor since the sin of the Egel, so it would be irrelevant.
Since the Poskim assume that the son born after the c-section does not need a Pidyon ha'Ben, this is a proof that the first child is a Bechor but since he was not born naturally he does not require Pidyon ha'Ben.
Yoel Domb