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7. מהו לממהל בשבתא

Aryeh Burnham asked:

When the gemara says that a yoledes in metameh inside like outside the gemara asks what is the chidush? If it is in her days of nidah, she is a nidah, which was already mentioned in the braisa, if she is in her days of zivah, she is a zivah, which was already mentioned. My question is why isn't there a third possibilty that this is a new dam called dam yoledes, as this time is not really nidah or zivah (i.e. it doesn't have automatic seven days, by yoledes nekaiva, like a nidah and it doesn't have a din of shomeres yom keneged yom like a zivah) and the chidush is that this dam is also metameh inside like outside. Thanks

Aryeh Burnham, Jerusalem

The Kollel replies:

It is possible that the Gemara does not think that this is a new category of Dam based on the Pasuk "ki'Mei Nidas Devosah Titma" -- "like the days of her Nidah flow she should be Tamei" (Vayikra 12:2). The Gemara in Pesachim (90b) uses this Pasuk to show that a Yoledes is compared to a Nidah (see also Rashi on Chumash who implies that this is implicit in the Pasuk).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose