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1. Souls etc. 2. Saying a Berachah on harmful things 3. rachmana
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7. Dipping bread into salt 8. Nusach of Berachos 9. נימא רב הונא דאמר כר' יוסי

mendy asked:

it ends up that if one said a bracha with rachmana as shem Hash-m -you would be yotze - 1 Is this limited to rachmana davka, or any kinui would also be the same ie chanun etc. ? a general question on kinuyim - since one can be yotze a bracha with this kinui, it appears to have the same status of holiness as the real shem - yet why does not transgress lo yisah shem etc with a kinuy ?

mendy, ny,usa

The Kollel replies:

"Rach'mana", according to the Poskim, seems to be more than just a Kinuy. It is actually the word used in Baval to mean "G-d" (just like the word "G-d" is used in English), and thus all of the Halachic discussion about any non-Hebrew word used to refer to G-d would apply here as well. A Kinuy which refers to Hash-m merely by referring to one of His Midos would not be sufficient for making a Berachah. See Sha'ar ha'Tzion 167:50.

Y. Shaw