On daf 36a where the sugya 'pe she-hitter' is discussed...the gemara brings down case of a woman who is giving testimony on her marital status and rashi comments over there that she did not need to say anything, one she did she may end up causing more issues for her self than she started with...
The Question...
Why does Rashi use the term of "Klomar"? Isn't "klomar" a term use to teach us something we would have necessarily known before. The din that rashi brings down seems to be pashut p'shat...Thanks for you time and help...Kol Tuv...
Aryeh Rosen, Baltimore MD
The simple reading of the Gemara is that if she wants, she does not have to say anything about having been previously married. This is as opposed to a Kohen, who must ask a question to ensure he does not eat a Bechor who might not really have a blemish.
Rashi adds more explanation to the Gemara with "k'Lomar" in order to better compare the two cases. Rashi does this by saying that the Gemara does not only mean that she does not have to say, but that if she would be getting married during the lifetime of a husband, she certainly would not say anything. Rashi contrasts this with our case of a Kohen, as if the Kohen wanted to eat the bechor he would make a definite blemish in the animal himself.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose