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mordechai gorenstein asks:

Does Ravina not know that the halacha is like beis hillel?? Why does he ask Mar bar Rav Ashi to be more meikel than R Akiva and follow beis shamai? He knows the halacha is not like Beis Shamai! What is he trying to teach? Is he giving mussar?

What Ravina now ask why Mar bar Rav Ashi - did not eat even the Evyonos of the Tz'laf - like Beis Shamai, who is even more lenient than Rebbi Akiva.

(b) We answer the Kashya - that although there is no problem to hold like Rebbi Akiva against Rebbi Eliezer, 'Beis Shamai in the place of Beis Hillel is not a Mishnah', in which case, it was Safek Orlah but Vaday.

mordechai gorenstein , sao paulo, Brazil

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

Ravina's question was based on the fact that Mar bar Rav Ashi took the lenient view of Rebbi Akiva, despite the fact that the Halachah is like Rebbi Eliezer. In that case, he asked, since Ravina tended to be lenient in this ruling - even against the Halachah, why not go one step further and take on the lenient view of Beis Shamai even against Beis Hillel?

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.