More Discussions for this daf
1. The order of Parshios in Tefilin 2. Mezuzah for a Sukah 3. Torah written on parchment
4. Tefilin 5. Mezuzah, Rabeinu Tam Tefilin 6. Wearing two pairs of Tefilin
7. Shitos of Tefilin 8. Order of Tefilin Parshiyos

Levi asked:

In Menachos daf lamed daled amud alef, the gemara right before the 2 dots asks, why do i need the gezeirah shava from sefer torah once i have a passuk that says "uchesav'tam" which implies it must be written on parchment. couldn;t the gemara have answered that i need it to tell u that it has to be written with diyo? and maybe that it has to be written on actual klaf, and not "duchsustus"?

Levi, Brooklyn NY

The Kollel replies:

When the Gemara asks, "Why do we need the Gezeirah Shavah," it is not a question on the Gezeirah Shavah, but rather a question on the Beraisa that gives this Gezeirah Shavah as a source for the Halachah that it must be written on Klaf and not on the stone. We definitely need the Gezeirah Shavah for other Halachos.

D. Zupnik