More Discussions for this daf
1. Breaking the Glass 2. Prayer times 3. Tefilas Chanah
4. Comparison to Rashi about Yosef in Vayigash 5. Eli seeing fault in Chana 6. Did Hash-m create "man" with useless parts?
7. re question on simcha b tefilla vilna gaon on daf 31a 8. Chumrah Adopted by Bnos Yisrael 9. The 3 "simple" Halachos
10. Ta'anis l'Ta'aniso 11. Chumras R' Zeira 12. "Like a mourner amongst the merry"
13. Moreh Halachah bi'Fnei Rabo 14. Chana and Eli 15. Rebbi Akiva moving during Tefilah
16. Question on Sota 17. מיתה בידי שמים

Elie Samet asks:

I read your insight to the daf and the vilna gaon. I just want to know the source so I can read it inside. I want to know how the gaon learns out the three ways from a source.



QUESTION: The Mishnah (30b) states that one should pray Shemoneh Esreh only with "Koved Rosh" (humility). The first Beraisa in the Gemara (31a) states that one should pray only after studying a "Halachah Pesukah" (a Halachah that does not require deep thought, which may cause a person to be distracted from proper concentration on his prayers, as Rashi explains). The second Beraisa states that one should pray only with "Simchah Shel Mitzvah," the joy that comes from performing a Mitzvah.

Are the two Beraisos and the Mishnah arguing with one another? Are these three different opinions?

ANSWER: The VILNA GA'ON explains that these three sources do not disagree. Rather, they complement each other.

(a) If one was learning Torah when the time for prayer arrived, he should learn a Halachah Pesukah before he prays, rather than begin his prayers with the complicated Halachos that he was just learning on his mind. This is the intention of the first Beraisa.

(b) If one was not learning when the time for prayer arrived, then there is a difference between Shemoneh Esreh and Keri'as Shema. Keri'as Shema should be recited following "Simchah Shel Mitzvah," because the Shema is an expression of the love of Hash-m, and thus it should be said with Simchah .

(c) Shemoneh Esreh should be said with Koved Rosh, because in Shemoneh Esreh we express our fear of Hash-m, and thus humility, not joy, is appropriate. The Mishnah is referring to Shemoneh Esreh, and the second Beraisa is referring to the Shema. (Rav Ashi, who "followed the ruling of the Beraisa," was reciting the Shema.)<<

Elie Samet, Jerusalem, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Elie! The Vilna Gaon is printed in his commentary on Mishnayos Berachos (Shenos Eliyahu) as well as the Perush ha'Gra on Berachos. I am attaching a copy of the piece for your benefit, if you do not receive the attachment it can also be found at this link

Best regards,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf